
I pour this heart out on pulp,


And wash it with bare hands, and love.

And then I wring it out with ink, sometimes blue.


O Fruit,

Hanging, inviting, beckoning

Angling, inciting, reckoning

You enchant me with your ripeness

And enslave me with that tightness.



Swollen, tempting, all moist inside,

Stolen, trapping, almost desired

Your amazing presence inebriates

And its enticing essence assimilates


Fruit, O Fruit

Filled with succulent Isis secrets

Feeling the sucked promise it secretes

Dark and lovely, you make my soul salivate

Stark yet bubbly, I feel my soles elevate



You hang wicked, dazzling, titillating

And stand naked, puzzling, scintillating,

O how I yearn to your core taste

Just to learn of lust's foretaste


Fruit, O Fruit

I just hunger for your juices for to slurp

I accept the danger, for my duty's to serve

So round, so firm, so utterly forbidden

So sound, no qualm, totally captivating


I pour this desire out in my heart,

on every breath

And season it with dreams, of longing.

And then I garnish it with blood, sometimes crimson.

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