

PapesV is a rising r&b artist in the UK with incredible talent, but before the banger Radio all her hits got heads turning, she was first Vanessa Dompreh, the little niece of the legendary Michael Dwamena. PapesV's in Accra this June to film a video for her latest single, Mepε sε. Here, she shares a bit about her process with Ghanaians.

"Honesty can hurt people's feelings"

Nana S. Achampong: Essentially, what do you consider yourself: British or Ghanaian? Why?

PapesV: I consider myself Ghanaian because I was brought up in a Ghanaian household whereby both parents spoke the mother tongue. I also attended school in Ghana in my infant years.

NSA: What has influenced your style?

P: Being free, I guess. My parents played a big part as they always empowered me to be me.

NSA: What is your greatest strength and could be a weakness?

P: Forgiving easily

NSA: What makes you smile and still makes you scared at the same time?

P: When I make a song I like, I feel unstoppable; it's like I'm getting closer to the artist I want to be, and then at the same time I get doubtful, then a little scared.

NSA: Do you still have any unfulfilled childhood ambitions?

P: When I was a child I used to go for ballet classes and I really wish I continued.

NSA: How did you end up in music?

P: I've always been in music. My uncle Michael [Dwamena] was a Ghanaian artist. Also my grandad loved music. It's funny because music has always been natural to me, but I just didn't have the courage to take it seriously until now.

NSA: When you suffer a setback, how does that emotionally affect you and your music?

P: I get writer's block, which makes me really stressed as I feel like I'm not progressing musically. But I always still keep going because it's only a temporary feeling.

NSA: You're in Ghana to do a video shoot for your new single, Mepε sε. Why was it necessary to ship in your makeup artist from England for the shoot?

P: She literally understands me and she knows what I like. Also, she's more than just my makeup artist; she's like a sister I've never had.

NSA: What's the most useless talent you have?

P: Not to be full of myself, but I'm very useful in every aspect. I guess you will find out when you get to know me.

NSA: Do you think honesty is always the best policy?

P: It depends on the relationship you have with the individual, but when it comes to honesty, sometimes it can hurt people's feelings

NSA: When was the last time you changed your mind about something important?

P: Just last month: I was thinking to go back to education to study midwifery as I love kids, but I changed my mind.

NSA: How would you love to be remembered?

P: As someone who was true to themselves, loving, fearless, confident and a bit of a diva, but also as someone who inspired individuals to be courageous and go for what they believe in.

PapesV Instagram 

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