Next March, the Mental Health Act 2012 will be ten years old. It took a process of two decades to pass this Law to address mental health as a public health issue and also to protect the human rights of the mental ill in Ghana. MHA 2012 came some 40 years after the last major revision of mental health law...

Martin Luther King Jr. Day [observed every third Monday of January] never ceases to bring to the fore some of the fundamental dilemmas that confront any struggle for rights, whether individual or collective. The pacifist King's somewhat waning leadership role with the civil rights (plea) movement of the 60s occurred during a period when the general...

when I was growing up, my mother was a midwifery teacher; my absent father was a lawyer who did not practice anymore. and we seemed to move every year from town to town. still I remember growing up in a home that had just enough of anything that was needed to live... just beyond survival, accompanied always with overflowing possibilities...

Gods always behave like the people who make them. Thus spake Zora Neale Hurston, the pre-eminent author and famous member of America's Harlem Renaissance cultural movement. And she should know, for she was one of the foremost anthropologists of the last century. In other words, the leaders we choose behave the way we "make" them, not so much as in...

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