An exhibition of mixed media recently showed at the Ama Ata Aidoo Centre for Creative Writing at AUCC, Adabraka showcasing 12 works by avant-garde visual artist Henry Obimpeh. The works on display were collages of textile prints, colour photographs and artefacts presented in unusual combinations to provoke curiosity. Notable among the pieces were ...

September 11 symbolizes a series of four coordinated attacks by al-Qaeda on New York's famous twin towers on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001. The attacks, according to the group's leader Osama bin Laden, were a reaction to United States government foreign policy towards, and American actions in, the Muslim world. In all, 2,996 people...

The countless photographs of Emmanuel Bobbie aka Bob Pixel online characterize his passionate love of the authentic image. The breadth of his work can easily be classified as a combination of Nana Kofi Acquah's strong African women and Yaw Pare's inviting travel shots. Another aspect of him is more along the journalistic lines of James Barnor and...

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